Big bones

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Big bones

Picture of Big bones Members only:
Quest item:
0.8 kg
Category: Miscellaneous » Bones
Examine: “Ew, it's a pile of bones.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
0 gp1 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 499 gp Market price: 525 gp Max. price: 551 gp
30 days: -2.7% 90 days: -18.3% 180 days: -20.3%
 Last price update: 118212 hours ago   
Item uses
  • Heavily used in F2P as it is the best Prayer exp that is possible for F2Pers.
Where/how to get
  • Giants are the main source of Big bones however a lot of the larger creatures do drop Big bones.
22 monsters drop this item [expand]
Level 28Hill GiantLevel 42Moss Giant
Level 42Desert LizardLevel 53Ice Giant
Other information
  • When you bury the big bones, you get 15 Prayer XP.
Credits: Tim, m.m.127, kat, Predator Last updated:
16-Jun-10 02:21
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