Bronze chainbody

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Bronze chainbody

Picture of Bronze chainbody Members only:
Quest item:
6.8 kg
Category: Armour and clothing » Metal armour
Examine: “A series of connected metal rings.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
24 gp36 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 48 gp Market price: 51 gp Max. price: 54 gp
30 days: +112.5% 90 days: +142.8% 180 days: +121.7%
 Last price update: 118181 hours ago   
This item is equippable in the torso slot.
Required levels to equip:
Needed Defence level: 1
0 Stab +7
0 Slash +11
0 Crush +13
-15 Magic -3
0 Ranged +9
-- Summoning +5
Strength 0
Ranged strength 0
Prayer 0
Where/how to get
  • Can be smithed with level 11 Smithing with 3 Bronze bars.
  • Sold at Horvik's Armour Shop in Varrock for 60gp.
  • Sold at Wayne's chains shop south in Falador for 60gp.
  • Sold at the Warriors' Guild Armoury for 72gp.
8 monsters drop this item [expand]
Level 5Warped flyLevel 7Crawling corpse torso
Level 9Warped ratLevel 11Skeleton
Other information

The chainbody is made out of small metal rings, and can absorb crushing and slashing attacks fairly well. However, it provides with a lower defence against stab based attacks. Chainbodies provides no penalties for ranged attacks when worn.

Credits: Aliensvortex, Syntax Error Last updated:
22-Jun-09 11:20
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