Mithril mace

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Mithril mace

Picture of Mithril mace Members only:
Quest item:
1.58 kg
Category: Weapons » Melee weapons
Examine: “A spiky mace.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
234 gp351 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 205 gp Market price: 216 gp Max. price: 227 gp
30 days: -3.5% 90 days: +2.8% 180 days: +0.0%
 Last price update: 118182 hours ago   
This item is equippable in the weapon slot.
Required levels to equip:
Needed Attack level: 20
+11 Stab 0
-2 Slash 0
+18 Crush 0
0 Magic 0
0 Ranged 0
-- Summoning 0
Strength +16
Ranged strength 0
Prayer +3
Where/how to get
  • Can be smithed with level 52 Smithing with a Mithril bar.
  • Sold at Flynn's Mace Market in Falador for 585gp.
  • Sold at the Warriors' Guild armoury for 702gp Members only.
  • Dropped by some monsters.
3 monsters drop this item
Level 53Ice GiantLevel 57Ice Warrior
Level 64Otherwoldly Being  
Other information

The mace has the same speed of a hatchet and has about the same power. Maces, however, have a bonus to prayer and can be decent in some situations. Maces have a "controlled" attack style.

Credits: Aliensvortex, Kaleb Last updated:
02-Jun-09 20:13
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