Necklace mould

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Necklace mould

Picture of Necklace mould Members only:
Quest item:
0.45 kg
Category: Miscellaneous » Tools
Examine: “Used to make gold necklaces.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
2 gp3 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 97 gp Market price: 102 gp Max. price: 105 gp
30 days: +0.9% 90 days: -2.8% 180 days: -1.9%
 Last price update: 118170 hours ago   
Where/how to get
• Respawns upstairs in the Crafting guild.
• Sold in the crafting shop in Al Kharid for 5gp.
• Sold in the crafting shop in Rimmington for 5gp.
• Sold in the crafting shop in Marim on the Ape Atoll for 5gp (Members only).
• Can be bought from the crafting stall in Keldagrim for 7gp (Members only).
Other information
Used in the Crafting skill to make necklaces.
Credits: Aliensvortex Last updated:
23-Feb-07 15:58
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