Steel battleaxe

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Steel battleaxe

Picture of Steel battleaxe Members only:
Quest item:
2.72 kg
Category: Weapons » Melee weapons
Examine: “A vicious looking axe.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
260 gp390 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 218 gp Market price: 230 gp Max. price: 242 gp
30 days: -4.1% 90 days: -6.5% 180 days: -8.0%
 Last price update: 118171 hours ago   
This item is equippable in the weapon slot.
Required levels to equip:
Needed Attack level: 5
-2 Stab 0
+16 Slash 0
+11 Crush 0
0 Magic 0
0 Ranged -1
-- Summoning 0
Strength +20
Ranged strength 0
Prayer 0
Where/how to get
• Can be smithed with level 40 Smithing using 3 Steel bars.
• Sold at the Battleaxe Store in Port Sarim for 650gp.
• Sold at Bob's axe shop in Lumbridge for 650gp.
• Sold at Gulluck's weapon shop in the 3rd floor of the Grand Tree for 650gp (Members only).
• Sold at the Warriors' Guild Armoury for 780gp (Members only).
• Dropped by various monsters
15 monsters drop this item [expand]
Level 43PyrefiendLevel 53Ice Giant
Level 57Ice WarriorLevel 61Basilisk
Other information
Slower, and more powerful, than the longsword, the battleaxe makes a good weapon for a warrior. It has a crushing attack which can be useful when attacking an opponent in platemail.
Credits: Aliensvortex, Syntax Error Last updated:
10-Nov-06 12:41
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