Wizard's mind bomb

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Wizard's mind bomb

Picture of Wizard's mind bomb Members only:
Quest item:
0.5 kg
Category: Consumables » Alcoholic drinks
Examine: “It's got strange bubbles in it.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
0 gp1 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 53 gp Market price: 56 gp Max. price: 59 gp
30 days: -57.5% 90 days: -67.6% 180 days: -49.5%
 Last price update: 118181 hours ago   
Where/how to get
• Sold at the bar in Falador for 3 gp.
• Can be bought from the bar in Burthorpe (Members only).
Other information
Temporarily increases your magic by 2 levels if you're level 49 or lower, or by 3 if you're higher. It also temporarily decreases your attack, strength and defence level by 3.

Members can drink it to enter the Magic Guild if they have level 63 magic.
Credits: Aliensvortex Last updated:
09-Mar-07 07:39
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