Canopic jar

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Canopic jar

Picture of Canopic jar Members only:
Quest item:
Category: Miscellaneous » Misc. quest items
Examine: “Has a lid shaped like a bug. Disgusting! I think there's a stomach inside.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
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This item is not tradable
Item uses

Used during Icthlarin's Little Helper. After the quest has been completed, the item can be dropped, and it will magically turn into dust and disappear.

Where/how to get

Obtained during Icthlarin's Little Helper. If a player tries to drop it during the quest it will re-appear when entering the pyramid.

Other information

The item can not be stored in the bank. Trying to store it in the bank gives the message "A magical force prevents you from banking this item."

Although all jars look the same, the examine info depends on which type it is:

  • ''Has a lid shaped like a bug. Disgusting! I think there's a stomach inside.''
  • ''Has a lid shaped like a man. I think it contains someone's liver. Yuck.''
  • ''Has a lid shaped like an ape. Eeew! I think it contains someone's intestines.''
  • ''Has a lid shaped like a crocodile. Yuck, I think there are lungs inside.''
Credits: Aliensvortex Last updated:
16-May-10 12:26
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