Brimhaven Dungeon

The dungeon entrance is located in southwest Brimhaven. To enter it, you will need to talk to Saniboch (who is outside the entrance) and pay him 875 gold. If you have the Karamja gloves 3 you do not have to pay at all. A hatchet will be needed if you are to navigate the dungeon, as some paths are blocked by vines that can only be chopped. If you do not have one, a bronze hatchet can be picked up at the pirate bar in southeast Brimhaven, and can easily be disposed when no longer required.

There are a few agility obstacles within this dungeon too. Stepping stones require level 12 Agility, Log Balance level 30, and Pipe Contortion requires level 33 Agility.

Guide credits
Written by: Vannio
Thanks to: Rebel007
Last update: 20-May-2010 15:59 by Angel
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