Battle hood 100

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Battle hood 100

Picture of Battle hood 100 Members only:
Quest item:
1 kg
Category: Armour and clothing » Magical armour
Examine: “A hood infused with arcane power, especially created for combat spells.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
Alchemy can not be used on this item
Current market price range
This item is not tradable
This item is equippable in the helmet slot.
Required levels to equip:
Needed Magic level: 60 Needed Defence level: 50
0 Stab +7
0 Slash +6
0 Crush +8
+5 Magic +5
0 Ranged 0
-- Summoning +8
Strength 0
Ranged strength 0
Prayer 0
Item uses

A full set of Battle robes from the Fist of Guthix minigame has a good chance of supplying catalytic (mind, chaos, death and blood) runes for spells you cast. The degraded form of this armour does not provide this bonus.

Where/how to get

Buy this item from the Fist of Guthix minigame for 250 tokens.

Other information

Similar to Barrows armour, the magic armour obtained from the Fist of Guthix minigame degrades after a time spent in combat. This hood costs 80 tokens to recharge.

Credits: Aeolus Last updated:
25-Feb-11 08:43
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