Raw shark

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Raw shark

Picture of Raw shark Members only:
Quest item:
0 kg
Category: Raw materials » Inedible ingredients
Examine: “I should try cooking this.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
120 gp180 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 802 gp Market price: 844 gp Max. price: 886 gp
30 days: -17.8% 90 days: -15.9% 180 days: -5.0%
 Last price update: 118196 hours ago   
Where/how to get
• Can be fished with level 76 Fishing
• Bought from other players
• Sold at the food shop in Canifis for 310gp.
• Sold at the Fishing Shop in Catherby for 300gp (default stock 0)
• Chests in East Ardougne (72 Thieving needed)
3 monsters drop this item
Level 60MogreLevel 114Aquanite
Level 785Corporeal Beast  
Other information
You need 80 Cooking to be able to attempt to cook a shark. Cooked Sharks heal 20.
Credits: Bite Me, Xtreamesk8er Last updated:
11-Sep-07 19:36
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