Adamant arrow

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Adamant arrow

Picture of Adamant arrow Members only:
Quest item:
0 kg
Category: Ammunition and runes » Arrows
Examine: “Arrows with adamantite heads.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
32 gp48 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 134 gp Market price: 141 gp Max. price: 148 gp
30 days: -12.9% 90 days: -29.8% 180 days: -30.1%
 Last price update: 118181 hours ago   
This item is equippable in the arrows slot.
0 Stab 0
0 Slash 0
0 Crush 0
0 Magic 0
0 Ranged 0
-- Summoning 0
Strength 0
Ranged strength +31
Prayer 0
Where/how to get
  • Can be fletched with level 60 Fletching Members only.
  • Sold in Lowe's archery store in Varrock for 80gp.
  • Sold in Brian's archery store in Rimmington for 80gp.
  • Sold in the Ranging Guild for 80gp. Members only
  • Sold in the archery store in Lletya for 104gp. Members only
10 monsters drop this item [expand]
Level 36White KnightLevel 38White Knight
Level 39White KnightLevel 42White Knight
Other information

Can only be used with Maple bows or better.

Credits: Aliensvortex Last updated:
04-Aug-09 10:57
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